By the time this letter is published, I hope we will be ending winter and welcoming some spring weather. I want to thank all of the parents, students, and teachers for their work during the eLearning days. The eLearning has been a growing experience for all of us. As we continue eLearning in the future, we will be making tweaks and adaptations to make it even better.
The arrival of spring will also bring the arrival of statewide testing. The state is changing testing to the iLearn Test. Our schools have been working all year to prepare the students and teach them the standards that are established for each grade level by the Indiana Department of Education. You will be receiving more information from your child’s school, but I want to remind you to make sure they get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and come to school with a positive attitude that they are prepared to do their best.
We are extremely proud of our outstanding students and appreciate their families’ support in all of their endeavors.