Instructional Device Damage, Repair, Replacement

Secondary Instructional Device Damage, Repair, & Replacement


Please see the following policies on Instructional Extended Warranty and Replacement for student Devices. Due to safety and security concerns, family-owned devices will not be allowed to be used by students.

I have read and understand the HCCSC’s extended warranty & replacement plan for coverage of theft, loss, or damage of my student’s school owned instructional device as outlined below.

HCCSC will be implementing a new extended warranty program and will be charging for minor/major repairs. See the table below outlining replacement costs and qualifications for a minor repair and a major repair. If a third major repair is needed, the total cost of the replacement part will be charged. (Not to exceed the total replacement cost of the device.)

Replacement Costs

Minor Repair $20.00 Charge

Any Occurrence

Major Repair $35.00 Charge for 1st & 2nd Repair

Charger - $30.00


Full Upper/Lower Casing

Case Cover - $30.00

LCD Bezel

Keyboard Assembly

Stylus - $35.00

Top Case

Screen Hinge



Touch Screen





Charger Port

Palm Rest


USB Port


Failure to return school issued instructional device: If the school issued instructional device is not returned at the end of the school year or upon withdrawal from this school district or upon moving to another school district or within 30 days of the time of graduation, the failure to return the school issued instructional device will be considered theft or conversion of the device and this action will be turned over to local law enforcement for prosecution purposes.

• Lost/stolen Instructional Devices: HCCSC will make every attempt to locate lost and stolen instructional devices. Any reported theft of an instructional device will be fully investigated and reported to authorities. The student will not be charged to replace an instructional device that is confirmed to be stolen.

• Intentional Damage: Students/Parents are responsible for full payment of intentional damages to the instructional device. This would also include intentional damage to another student’s instructional device.

• Students will be issued a loaner device while the instructional device is being repaired.

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