Instructional Services

Welcome to the Instructional Services page for the Huntington County Community School Corporation. It is a 'New Day' in HCCSC with a great leadership team that is committed to providing our students with the best possible learning environment. There are great things happening and we value your partnership with us as we strive to make a difference in the lives of our students.

The HCCSC Vision for Learning is a framework for creating a 21st Century education for all HCCSC students. Our moral purpose as a district is to educate all students to high standards enabling them to become productive, responsible citizens through the precision and personalization of the curriculum. Professional Learning is tailored to support our moral purpose so that teachers can utilize research-based practices during instruction that will engage our students and achieve our desired outcomes.  

The HCCSC Vision for Learning is aligned to the Indiana Academic Standards and the Indiana College and Career Readiness Standards, which provides a consistent and clear understanding of what students are expected to learn that will help them be successful college and careers in a 21st-century society. The HCCSC assessment system supports formative and summative assessments of student learning where the data is analyzed and becomes a catalyst for school improvement. We are committed to inspiring our students through meaningful learning opportunities that foster creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking so that every student is successful.

To find out more about the HCCSC Administrative Resources or who to contact with your questions, 
click here.
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