Riverview Middle School’s Academic Superbowl Team placed first in their State competition on April 27, 2019. The team consists of 24 students in grades 6, 7, and 8; and are coached by Mr. Mycal Rodenbeck, Mrs. Rochelle Kennedy, and Mrs. BreAnne Dyer.
Mr. Rodenbeck explained how the competitions work. “Four different subject areas compete: Science, Social Studies, Math, and English. There is a fifth area of competition, called Interdisciplinary, that covers all four subject areas (questions from each area of study are asked). There can be as many as three team members helping to answer questions at one time, and two substitutions can be made after the 12th question. There are a total of 25 questions that are asked of each subject area, and the team that answers the most wins.
Schools are categorized according to school size; Riverview and Crestview are in Class 2. At Woodside’s competition, we competed against Crestview and Summit from Class 2, but there were eight other schools present. You’re not directly competing with them, but you do compare your team finish in each subject with the others. Once all competition sites are finished, scores from each subject area are tabulated for each class, and overall placing designated. Riverview finished in 1st place, as a team, at Woodside for Class 2.”
“The other two coaches (Rochelle Kennedy and BreAnne dyer) and I couldn’t be more pleased with the performance of our students on Saturday! We didn’t have the best outing at the NE8 Conference competition in March, but really came back at State, competing at a level that we knew our students could. It’s a testament to the caliber of students we have within our school, but even our county. Crestview competed very well at the NE8 Conference meet, and did again at the State Competition. The Cougars Interdisciplinary and Science teams placed in the Top 10 in Class 2, and I believe they had another team in the Top 15. It was a very good showing for HCCSC and I know we, as coaches, are proud to be part of this program!”