Keeping students safe is always the number one priority at HCCSC. In order to proactively prepare our students, we practice procedures with fire and tornado drills. We review the A.L.I.C.E. (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate) protocol with students in the event there would be an active shooter in our buildings. While we cannot plan for every contingency, we strive to make certain that our students are as prepared as possible in the event of an emergency.
Each year, the HCCSC Transportation Department also teaches our elementary students about School Bus Safety. Bus drivers speak to children about the responsibilities of being a good rider. Students are reminded to always observe the ‘Danger Zone’. The ‘Danger Zone’ is the area (10’ radius) surrounding the bus where children are hard to see. They are reminded that if they drop something while boarding or exiting the bus, they should never stop to pick it up. Instead they should tell the driver and follow the driver’s instructions. If they bend down to pick up an object, they may not be seen by the driver and could get hurt if the bus begins to move.
Students also learn how about proper behavior on the school bus. They should use sit in their seats and use quiet voices so as to not distract the driver. Drivers also review evacuation procedures and students practice evacuating the bus safely in case of an emergency.
This very important and impactful training is done by the HCCSC Transportation Department. We have dedicated bus drivers, bus aides, mechanics, substitute drivers, and office staff who are continually working to keep our students safe on the way to and from school each day.